What type of clinician would you like SNATS to provide in Spring 2018?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

REVISED voice schedule week of 1/6/14

Folks, here is the schedule for this week. It will be adjusted somewhat for following weeks, but I hope not by much. Stay tuned on this blog for the updated schedule. Thanks!

Madison: 10:30-11
Amanda: 11:15-11:45
John: 12-12:50
Kelsey 2-2:50
Nole 4:30-5:20

EmKay 12-12:50
Valencia 1-1:50
Jake 2-2:50

P.S. a few of you are required to register for Opera Workshop as part of your scholarship. If that applies to you, be sure you have tended to that. Thanks!

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Voice Performance Class 4/19

We will all meet together in HRH today, 4/19/19.