What type of clinician would you like SNATS to provide in Spring 2018?

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

This week: HERMITS opera schedule

All rehearsals are 3:30-5:30 unless otherwise noted. Please note whether rehearsal takes place at UAB (KHW's office or choir room) or at IPC (choir room). Rooms may change: stay tuned!

Page numbers will be fleshed out or changed as needed as we go. Check here regularly.

January 29: (UAB, Hulsey Center)

NO REHEARSAL: solidify your music for Thursday!

January 31: UAB
3:30-4 pp. 116-127 
4-4:30 touch on anything we haven't addressed or needs work

4:30-5:30 ADD Bishop: run through entire piece

Monday, January 7, 2019

Performance class on Friday


Singers in my studio will meet in 307 on Friday. Nothing to prepare: we'll have a discussion. Be sure to purchase Michael Gelb's BODY LEARNING if you haven't already: it's on the required reading list, and is in the bookstore. You can also buy it on Amazon and get a Kindle version if you prefer.

We'll be lying on the floor in semi-supine position for Constructive Rest, so no skirts, please.

Have a great first week of classes!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Voice schedule

Hi folks,

Following is the schedule for lessons this semester. If you notice a conflict, or for some reason don’t see your name, please notify me immediately. Your pianist should have music ahead of time for your first lesson: please send ASAP. Thanks!

Friendly reminders: NATS is in Mobile February 15-16. Classical singing is on Friday only; MT is Saturday. If you’d like to participate, be thinking about it and/or talking about it with your folks. SERNATS (regional NATS) feeds into the national finals, and is at FSU the last weekend in March. You are very encouraged to attend and compete. Again, think about it ahead of time.

See you soon.

9:45 Eugena
10:30 Stephanie
11:30 Lauren

1:30 Lilly

1:30 Grace

10:00 Ashlyn
11:00 Michael

3:30 Zarien

2:00 Elizabeth

9:30 Eric
10:30 Nick

1:30 Farryn

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

HERMITS schedule: subject to change

All rehearsals are 3:30-5:30 unless otherwise noted. Please note whether rehearsal takes place at UAB (KHW's office or choir room) or at IPC (choir room). Rooms may change: stay tuned!

Page numbers will be fleshed out or changed as needed as we go. Check here regularly.

February 25 (IPC)
NO rehearsal: Jeff is available for musical touch-ups as needed. Please contact him directly if needed. Thanks.

February 27 (IPC)
Scene 3 through p.127; scene 1 review. Time TBA.

March 5 (IPC)
TBA: blocking

March 7 (IPC)
BISHOP joins us at 4:30
3:30-4:30 review TBA
4:30-6pm scenes 2 and 3

March 19 (IPC)
finalize blocking: TBA

March 21 (IPC)
work scene 1

March 26 (IPC)
work scene 2

March 28 (IPC)
work scene 3

April 2 (IPC)
run-though at IPC with piano

April 4 (IPC)
run-though at IPC with piano

April 7 (IPC: this is a possible additional rehearsal)
We may need to have a tech rehearsal today for lighting only (no singing). Notify me of any conflicts now: we'd aim for mid-afternoon or later.

April 8 (IPC: not required attendance)
6-8pm orchestra rehearsal: sit and listen if you like!

6-9pm piano dress rehearsal at IPC

April 10 (IPC) REQUIRED: make plans with your church job NOW!
6-9pm orchestra dress rehearsal at IPC (5pm call, TBC)

7pm performance; 6pm call 

7pm performance; 6pm call (TBC)

Voice Performance Class 4/19

We will all meet together in HRH today, 4/19/19.