What type of clinician would you like SNATS to provide in Spring 2018?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dr. Kris Voice Students

You must register before the first day of classes or I cannot teach you. Come see me early Monday, January 6 if you have a problem with this. I have done the overrides for all of you so you should all be able to register, but of course let me know if you have issues. See below: I need to have a lesson with each of you by the end of Tuesday, January 7 if at all possible.

Please email me your schedules before the first day of class, January 6 (Valencia wins the award for being first). The permanent schedule will be posted as soon as I have everyone's information. 

I will only be in town the first two days of class due to a conference in NYC, and I would like to see all of you in those two days if remotely possible. Please note your availability those two days, and we'll start our work then.

Following are repertoire assignments for spring 2014. Bring one or two pieces to your first lesson, ready to work. Do not come in with nothing learned: we only have 14 weeks in the semester now!

Jake: bring anything from NATS rep (either category). Since your recital is so early, plan on working two pieces per lesson. For each lesson, everything must be memorized.

Nole: bring anything from your NATS rep. Come with your musical theatre rep chosen as well. Since you are competing in two categories, have at least one piece memorized for each lesson (two is preferred).

John: Handel in first lesson in January, preferably memorized or close to off-book. Dichterliebe in second lesson: have #4-6 ready to work; "Nocturne” by third lesson

MK: Two pieces from your recital, memorized and ready to work.

Valencia: Bring the two new French pieces, and we'll slog through the text. Have them learned well enough to plug in the words.

Kelsey: "Drink to me only with thine eyes" by Quilter (try both keys and see what feels best: the library has both volumes).

Amanda: Handel's "Va godendo" (the library will probably have this; you may also check online. Let me know if you have trouble, as I own it.)

Madison: bring in something you know, and we'll choose new music together.

Have a wonderful break, and enjoy some well-deserved down time! Happy New Year.

Friday, December 6, 2013

End of semester reminders

Folks, to recap today's performance class announcements, please remember the following:

  • Complete your listening assignment by 5pm Tuesday. Review your syllabus for details. No excuses or extensions for computer problems: plan ahead.
  • Return opera scores and any other music you have borrowed from me, or you will not be able to register for classes in the future.
  • Advising began in October and is over as of December 12. You cannot register without a RAC code, which you obtain during your advising. I will not do any "holiday" meetings: lack of planning does not require me to give up my break.
  • Check the blog for spring rep assignments, to be posted within a few days.
I'm sure these are reminders that none of you actually need. Be aware that I will not send you emails reminding you to complete class requirements, even if you've done great work all semester. If you miss a deadline, you get the grade you earned. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Props for opera

Folks, remember tomorrow we meet at 3:30 at the loading dock. Nole will bring his truck and I'll bring mine: let's have at least one other car so we can all go over to the prop shop to unload together. With all hands on deck (yes, it's required for everyone), I expect it to take less than an hour. If you want, we can celebrate afterward by making the biannual pilgrimage to YoMo. Thanks, all!

Monday, December 2, 2013

DVD viewing for opera


We'll meet tomorrow at 3:30 in HRH to watch the DVD, as that's the only day we can have the recital hall. Thursday, we'll meet at 3:30 on stage to load all the props. This is required for everyone, including understudies. All singers, bring your scores, as we'll need to destroy any photocopies. Thanks!

Voice Performance Class 4/19

We will all meet together in HRH today, 4/19/19.