What type of clinician would you like SNATS to provide in Spring 2018?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
NO OPERA on Thursday
Thanks for the fun today watching the DVD of MoLM...take Thursday off! Hope to see you next week to watch the DIE FLEDERMAUS video. Please go to the Facebook event and RSVP!
Monday, April 23, 2012
It's official: Fall Opera 2012
MOLM meets Tuesday during opera
We'll meet tomorrow at 3:30 for the second performance viewing. If you can plan to come a little early (RIGHT after choir) and stay a little late, we won't have to meet Thursday! Looking forward to seeing all of you again.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Ghettos per last week's Convocation
Ghettos in Europe are discussed here.
The Warsaw ghetto uprising is here.
The Nazis took over the entire country of Poland in the space of one month. The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, which encompassed only 1.3 square miles, were able to resist Nazi deportation for the same amount of time.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Final opera meetings
Our last two opera meetings will be Tuesday, 4/24 (in HRH) and Thursday, 4/26 (in the Choral Room). Both are required for those registered for opera, and anyone interested in being part of the opera in the fall is more than invited to Thursday's meeting. We'll discuss options for the opera selection, as well as auditions.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Upcoming Voice Studio Recital
Please be thinking about what you plan to sing in the Voice Studio Recital: we need to submit the program next week! Thanks.
Monday, April 2, 2012
MOLM video
Hi folks,
We'll meet this Thursday at 3:30 in Hulsey Recital Hall to watch the video. If you are enrolled as a student, attendance is required. It's a great quality video, and I think you'll enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing your faces again!
Congrats to SERNATS winners

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Voice Performance Class 4/19
We will all meet together in HRH today, 4/19/19.
Hi folks, Just to clarify: auditions for the fall opera/musical theatre scenes will NOT take place on Sunday, August 15. Those are choir au...
Hi folks, There has been a cancellation in the recital hall: we can now have it Thursday, April 29 from 2-6. Please post here if 2pm works ...
As most of you know, I've been studying with a renowned voice teacher in Vienna. We've had three lessons a week for two weeks, and i...